All News Update

Sunday, November 9, 2008

Recruitment Sources

In order the recruiter can work efficiently, economist and effective, they should be know and familiar many recruitment source can be explored, even not all the source is done. The need of recruiter to take employee candidate from those resources depend on how many employee currently needed. This knowledge of these all resources is very important for the recruiter; to determine what exactly employee candidate sources will be used. The recruitment can be taken from several sources as follows:
  1. Written Application
  2. Base on internal employee information
  3. Advertising
  4. Governmental institutions
  5. Labor recruiter company
  6. Head hunter company
  7. Education institution
  8. Profession Organization
  9. Labor Union
  10. Government Skill Training organization
  11. Internet
  12. Others
Those recruitment source as a reference and sometime should be applied and use as vacancy promotion. For certain employee needed should determine what is the institution should use, for usual needed or urgent needed or any other limitation such salary standard. The recruiter then will have knowledge about what institution should be used for certain employee recruitment and should follow the Government rule if any, about the company regulation about certain position recruitment.

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