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Sunday, September 5, 2010

Employee Selection

Employee selection as follow the rule or by intuition of the recruiter actually difficult to measure exactly. To recruit employee I think just can be accurate by intelligent test, other kind of test may will result different with the reality. But by intelligent test of someone can be result as we want that someone have well intelligent.

Other different of result of employee ability and attitude can be seen on the job training, the candidate can see if they have good attitude and easy to follow the rule or tend to break the rule can be seen on this program. Even though trainees program need high cost but we can select the right candidate with good mental and behaviour.

Management trainee or on the job training program can be exchange by contract model that have longer time duration, after pass this program the candidate will be a permanent employee. Management trainee program or on the job training usually need shorter time about 3 months after pass this program the candidate can continue become an employee and may will be contract for certain time or became permanent employee. After this program the behaviour or employee attitude can be seen if suitable or unsuitable for be a certain job.

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