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Friday, September 19, 2008

Human Resources Management for Beginner

In organization which progressively expand and business competition which progressively tighten, hence very urgent needed of human resources management (HRM) that systematically and comprehensive, that is totally related from planning system, recruitment system, selection, location, training and development, compensation, assessment of performance appraisal and industrial relation.

If an organization can manage HRM better, hence this mentioned will give a short-term as well as long-term benefit for organization. Because HRM is company asset owning important meaning progressively in a global competition era at this time. To manage the HRM professionally, so company or organization need people who have competency in human resources management field.

For the beginner should have some knowledge of the angle below:
  1. Understand of HRM new role in an organization.
  2. Understand the HRM concept systematically and comprehensive.
  3. Getting of many approach experiences on managing organization HRM.
  4. Getting practice method for solving industrial relation problem.

On getting new concept and approach in Human Resource Management should understand of this detail:

  1. The process of Human Resources Management comprehensively.
  2. Human Resource planning effectively.
  3. Recruitment system, selection, relocated and orientation.
  4. Performance Appraisal System.
  5. Training and Development System
  6. Compensation and Benefit system
  7. Industrial Relation system

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