All News Update

Monday, February 15, 2010

Human Resources Manager Competency

To be a human resources manager, should have several capabilities that will describe on the following detail. This competence should be able to exploit from interview test and presentation and should be able to show the sample on how to break many problems.
  1. Leader of Changes (3): should have initiative on supporting, involved and lead the others to do some changes to increase the organization infectivity.
  2. Good English (3) conversation: to demonstrate on speaking to express something in English well, and right written or orally.
  3. Have skill on Human Resources Management (3): Should be able to demonstrate of knowledge and skill on Human Resources Management, to reach the goal and added value to organization.
  4. Have deeply understanding of management (2): able to arrange planning (determine of realistic goal, to compose priority, determine the strategy, and compose operational program and planning). Able to execute the program and monitor the process to reach the goal.
  5. Have knowledge to develop subordinate (2): support and help subordinate to be independent and self motivation.
  6. Have capability of negotiation (2): Have knowledge on planning and execute negotiation with win-win-solution bases.
  7. Have Performance Stability (1)le to maintain performance under pressure or on unstable situation. Able to control himself.
  8. Have Network (1): Have capability work together with internal organization or external organization like government to commit on reaching the goal.
Score on the parenthesis show the score of each potential. The definition of each value as follows:

3: Critical on working successful
2: Important to success
1: Monolog to success

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