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Wednesday, July 21, 2010

Eight Trick to Develop Effective Communication

As normal human we want be recognized and respected. In work environment this angle have been used to develop their productivity from effective communication. To develop of communication skill need special knowledge and competence either verbal and nonverbal to make you can perform more confidence.

The eight of this trick can help you to develop of employee loyalty in your work environmental.

1. Observe your attitude when you stand:
Man usually prefer stand side by side when discuss something while women prefer face to face. If you are a woman and move to close to a man, so change your position is make an angle that make him more pleasant. Either wise if you are a man to make a woman more pleasant your woman discussion partner turn your body slowly, in order stand face to face to her.

2. Try to make other focus to your word:
Every time you speak, your partner will change focus to you. So make them focus to your think, but remember, don’t talk of your experience but try to make them use listening skill and always ask for their response.

3. Avoid of grope your body when speak
Try for don’t moving your hand, don’t playing hair or hand your face. By touching your body seem like that you try to make comfortable yourself, unrealized other feel that you don’t give attention to them.

4. Smile while you speak
This very pleasant if you smile when listening them, the similar strength also when you speak to them.

5. Follow her/his body moving when you speak to them
If they sit to the chair, follow her/him to sit on the chair, when she/he folded her/his hand follow to fold your hand. You must do smoothly and make her/him do not realize by the listener. Do with slow to make you see natural and to see you are not imitate.

6. Say 20 percent and listen 80 percent
Lets her/him talk about they like, that’s about her/him. If someone talk make questions and node your head seen that you are agree and don’t interrupt until he finish their speak and ask other question. Your can stir the topic without talk about yourself or your thought.

7. Avoid to give an advice without ask
Generally people become defensive and stop to talk when you propose an advice for they don’t ask, either that speak in public or private. This make them think wrong of their thought on the topic. If you want to state your thinking better to say like this: “I understand of your thinking about that or lets we take what better from this experience and try to make further step”.

8. Give a reward to your college, client or partner
Generally people enjoy of getting thanks giving for their work result, even that just courtesy that not personally special. So your praise should be specific either than just courtesy. For example, “this graphic design is very good,” or “you have handled this complaint very good.”

Giving of praise in the right time, don’t waiting too long so that look that just courtesy. But you must be careful that there is person who receipt a praise openly, but may privately, even sometime want a praise periodically but there is a body that very difficult to receive a praise.

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