All News Update

Monday, July 26, 2010

Security Management

  • Develop Business Intelligence in Relation to Security
  • Understand the functions and principles of security
  • Anticipate Security Problems in relation to Fire, Bomb Threat, Emergency and Disaster Planning, Accident Prevention, Safety and First Aid
  • Choice and use Electronic Aids
Who should know about this knowledge:
  • Security & Loss Control manager/Coordinator/Supervisor/Engineer
  • Emergency Management Team
  • Building Tenant Manager/Officer
  • Public Relation Manager/Officer
  • Building Manager
  • Field/Operation Manager
Knowledge Contains:
Introduction to Security
Security Defined; What is Securities Function? Principles of Security
The New Paradigm of Industrial Security in Area Frame Work

Fire Prevention and Control
Types of Fires; Combative Methods, Fire Extinguishers ; Water Extinguishers; Dry Powder and Chemical; Carbon Dioxide (CO2); Seals; Fire Extinguisher Placement, Sprinkles And Hose System ; Sprinkler System; Hose Systems; Hose Houses; Fire Doors, Fire Alarms System ; Detectors; Signalling Systems; Manual Fire Alarm Station, Fire Prevention Planning ; Employee Education and Training; Private Fire Brigades; Fire Emergency Plan; Fire Reports, Industrial Fire Hazards; Awareness of Risk; Flammable Liquids; Case Study

Accident Prevention, Safety and First Aid
Osha Requirements; Who is Covered?; Osha Standards; Record-Keeping Requirements; Osha Compliance Inspections; Citations and Penalties, Organizing For Safety ; The Role of Management; Whose Responsibility ?; The Safety Professional; Safety Committees; Small Company Safety Organization; The Supervisor’s Role in Safety, Creating Safe Workplace ; Identification and Control of Hazards; Employee and Supervisor Training; The Importance of Record-Keeping; First Aid and Medical Care; Selling Safety in the Company, Emergency and Disaster Planning, Emergency Planning Manuals, Types Of Emergencies ; Fire and Explosion; Windstorms (Hurricane, Tornado); Earthquakes ; Building Collapse; Work Accidents; Other Hazards, Basic Emergency Planning ; The Command Center; Chain of Command; Alarm or Warning System; Communications Systems; Shutdown Procedures, Evacuation; First Aid and Medical Care, Emergency Security Responsibilities, Bomb Threats Strikes

Bomb Threat
Preventive Security; Bomb Threat Pre-Planning; Telephone Bomb Threat Procedures; The Evacuation Decision; The Bomb Search; Dealing with Letter and Package Bombs; Checklist for Handling Mail or Suspicious Packages; Bomb Threat and Evacuation; Searching for a Reported Bomb; Special Problem Bomb Searching; Handling of Suspicious/Suspect Objects; Telephone Bomb Threat Checklist; Search Systems; Setting up a Crisis Team; Handling the Media; Building Design as a Counter-Bomb Technique ; Bomb Basics ; Bomb Damage Table; Case Study

The decision to Shut Down; Operations During a Strike; Conduct of Security Personnel

Closed Circuit Television (CCTV)
Selecting Proper Hardware; Horizontal Resolution; Low Light Level Cameras; Motion Features; Tamper-proof Housing; Monitors; Fatigue Factors; Video Tape Recorders; VTR as a Training Aid

Basics of Alarm Systems, Types Of Intrusion Sensor ; Circuit Breaker; Vibration Detectors; Pressure-Sensitive Aescators; Motion Detectors; Photoelectric Beams; Capacitance Alarms, Alarm Transmission and Response System ; Local Bell vs Silent Alarms; Telephone Diallers; Off-Premise Alarm Notification; Proprietary Alarm Systems; Security Console, Alarm Applications; Alarm Response; Installation and Service

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