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Monday, August 15, 2011

Skill Competence Test

Today is test of skill competence that conducted at Training center. Skill competence test become the requirement of companies that operate of boiler and turbine on their site. Every operator that is involved on boiler and turbine operation should have skill competence certificate, this regulate by government and should be followed in order have permit of boiler and turbine operation.

Every operator should be trained with boiler and turbine operation in the right way, depend on their operation field on the site. After they are trained then they are tested to be certify. Because they involve in daily operation, they will more knowledge about boiler and turbine operation.

This certificate should be registered after one year, to make sure that this person still work on those field and to make sure if they still follow the rule on boiler and turbine operation. They should fill of certain form of their daily activity to make report in order can be monitored of their daily activity.

The test itself depend on the class they are followed, there are class 1, class 2 and class 3. Class 2 and 3 more on their operating skill and class 1 is more intense to their supervise skill and how to make a decision. This competence test should be held by institution that already accredited. 

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