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Sunday, July 15, 2012

Electroplating Process Training

On the competitive world, people more like to learn applicable knowledge from training either from official school that just give lecture a general knowledge but can't make an applicable knowledge into the practical workshop, different with training that give a learning that can directly applied into the practical working.

People who are study in official school just can have job with high salary income but they don't have experience which can apply into the work directly. This condition make a problem to the industry that will be their employer, they must pay high but they can't get applied experience from this people.

Training is the solution of this problem, from training they will teach people of applicable knowledge that is needed by industries. The training that give applied knowledge like chrome plating, anodizing method like aluminum anodizing and other kind of applicable training. After they get this basic training, they can develop more in the work place but they also ready for basic work in the chromium industry or anodizing industry.

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