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Tuesday, March 10, 2009

Continuous Improvement

Continuous improvement in plant usually to control and developing the individual skill and discipline to all employees that is involve in production area. To monitor, analyze and improve their skill on the plant area should create an integrated system to handle all the work flow on the plant. If there is a problem that obscure the system running well, then should seek the root cause. This condition can be discuss on the meeting or on the new system that must be created first like QCC or other method that available in the plant, that is sometime different for different plant.

The discipline mean there are no loose data and employee activity on the record system. From those data then can be analyze for further improvement for productivity purpose. The improvement will focus first on productivity then followed by other organization such as efficiency and service. In the small company the improvement just involves in productivity, but obey in the human resources area. On modern and big plant human resources become very important on the employee spirit, and improvement of their skill and career planning always intense closely. Beside established system on the big country always intense on the salary system that usually very competitive compare with other company.

Focusing on the human resources development the company will give this duty to Training Development to support and improve of all employee needed to improve their skill and knowledge.

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