To resolve any of the tricky issues in a marriage power, sex, work roles, and others. It’s absolutely vital to communicate well with each other. Researchers have noted that happily married couples tent to of the below condition.
- Share power and converse freely. Their conversation is peppered with pauses, laughter, interruptions, and questions, which indicate spontaneity, flexibility, and interest in what is being problems.
- Work together to solve mutual problems.
- Be assertive (some say aggressive) when necessary. One psychologist observed: “The danger for a marriage is much greater from apathy that it is from aggression.”
- Criticize each other constructively, or refrain from criticism.
- Deal with problems and difficult issues on their own merits, not as signs that the entire relationship is crumbling.
Many of the skills people need to make a marriage work are not innate. For instance, we are not born with ability to communicate effectively with another human being. We must learn to communicate, and the sooner the better. This mean learning what to say, what not to say, when to listen, how to listen, and when to be silences, and body language have a meaning. It takes skill to decode what is being conveyed and to reply in a way that can be understood.
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