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Tuesday, May 26, 2009

Constrains of Recruitment Process

On implementing duty as recruiter in looking for officer candidate, the recruiter in an organization must realize that they face various constraints. Constraint that is usually faced divided into three kinds, that is constraint stemming from organization themselves, habit of the labor searchers and external factor that is come from area of where organization stands up.

Constrain of Organizational Factor
Constraint from within organization is concerning management policy, referring to the organizational importance in developing the organizational system is intra corporate. This policy will limit of new employee enter.

Organizational constrains are consist of:
Internal Promotion
Salary Standard

Salary standard is applied, this thing can be caused by some of inter alias: Importance of the member of organizations, for example concerning the agreement between labor unions with management. Organizational ability in giving level of salary, compulsion in adhering labor regulation and location consideration, for certain location need higher salary because of expensive compensation, house compensation and many others.

Constrain of Usual Employee Facing
As a specialist, an officer has certain habit in acting, this habit can become positive but also can have mean of negative. The positive matter for the recruiter that the employee candidate have known the job in advance and make faster to understand. The negative effect for the recruiter is this can make too fast to take a decision without look to other applicant.

Environmental Constrains:
There is no secret that the company must pay attention to their environment condition, this is include on recruit for a new employee. Environmental factors that should pay attention are include:
  1. Unemployment level around the company location
  2. The position of the company compare with co specific of other company
  3. The employee skill availability that is needed by company
Related Articles:
Employee Recruitment
Recruitment Source
Internal Recruitment

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