All News Update

Sunday, February 20, 2011

Training Management System

We work in our organization, mean the company invest in many angle like in equipment, office and production space, software, hardware and operation expenses, and people. Investment in employee its mean that this employee need to be trained to develop of human capital. Successful people and organizations recognize that their organizations successes are only as good as their employee quality. Invest in equipment and other company facility sometimes may broken and we can change with the one as soon as possible, but invest in people we can't change as soon as we want. People should be used on and on until they get pension, its mean they should be improved in order can be used effectively. Growing your organization means growing your people, people at all level within the organization.

To make continuous improvement for these people we should train them in order can excellence demonstrate in many angle:

  • Setting and achieving goals
  • Influencing others and negotiation results
  • Interpersonal skills
  • Self management
  • Personal accountability
The kind to improve their knowledge and skills, they can be trained with several training materials like as follows:
  • Communication with style
  • Problem Solving and Decision Making
  • Conflict Prevention and Resolution
  • Presentation Skills
  • Dealing with the media
  • Leadership Development and Continuity
  • mentoring for success
And many other technical training that suitable with their specialist job on the company. If this have given to the employee we also can analyse the effective of training to see whether the training given affect them on their job.

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