All News Update

Friday, April 8, 2011

Make Understood is Difficult

Training often have obstruction on make the audience or the trainee understand what we have trained to them. Many training need of demonstration to make the trainee more understand but the demo can't always show to the Audience, because of many reason. The obstruction to make demo like the high cost, or too risk, or no tools.

Too make the training run effective, may need more preparation, long time to prepare the training, the comparison of preparation time to the training given about 10 time preparation time to training given. After many time to prepare the training, other factor that become the key of training successful is the employee quality. The employee quality is depend when the recruiter select employee at the first time.

The understanding of the trainee become very critical if the materials are about the safety matter and the trainee should be make sure if they have understood. For this material they should give a practical training, until they handle this job. They must understand what they should to do when they are on work.

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